
Active Directory - Replication 3

Let's see another way to troubleshoot replication. In some cases you receive a call from a remote site, telling you that the change you made, does not appear in the remote site.
First Step:
Check replication between the two partners. In this example, source Domain Controller: SYPFBDCVM01, target Domain Controller: SYPFBDCVM03

First check out the GUID from the source Domain Controller with:

>repadmin /showrepl

in this case I forced some errors the past days to troubleshoot the lab. What we need from this command is the GUID(red), now we run the next commmand line:

>repadmin /showchanges SYPFBDCVM03.TESTING.COM 4dc3140c-ac14-42ca-9a54-c95b3cb4c0fb DC=TESTING,DC=COM
In the case you have no changes, you see this output:

in other case you'll have the replication delay or failure, again, check:


to troubleshoot every single error in your environment.


Active Directory Replication - Replication 2

Bored from opening the Active Directory Replicatoin Monitor ? check replication on the fly.

>repadmin /replsum /bysrc /bydest /sort:delta

you'll get an output similar to this, where the DCs should have 0 in the Fails column, and the largest deltas (which indicate the number of changes that have been made to the Active Directory database since the last successful replication) should be less than or roughly equal to the replication frequency of the site link that is used by the domain controller for replication. The default replication frequency is 180 minutes

if you get a replication error or the number in the Fails Column is not null,check Event Viewer and take a look at Technet for troubleshooting replication.



Active Directory Support Tools - Replication 1

First of all install the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools, >CD-ROM\Support\Tools and launch SUPTOOLS.MSI

Hier the syntax, run it from a Domain Controller

>dcdiag /test:replications

under normal operation you will see something like this(see image). It means the tests for the replications variables are running with success.


Modify the Global Catalog role

removing the global catalog from a domain controller

dsmod server CN=DC2,CN=Servers,CN=BostonSite,CN=Configuration,DC=GC,DC=TESTING,DC=COM –isgc no

and assign the GC again to another domain controller:

dsmod server CN=DC1,CN=Servers,CN=BostonSite,CN=Configuration,DC=GC,DC=TESTING,DC=COM –isgc yes